The 5Dopedia

<Chibi Art coming soon>

Welcome Men, Women, Young Children, and Lizardfolk to the 5Dopedia where the workings of the multiverse are explained.

Q. What's a muggle and why is it hard to find one in the Americas?

A. A muggle is the term used by most magic-users in the 2010's and 2020's to refer to people who can't use magic, term came from a popular book that came into creation during the turn of the millinium, and ther term stuck among the magic community. The reason there are few if any true muggles in the Americas is because everyone in the Americas, for the most part, has the potential to use magic. Unlike the "old world" which had strict social boundaries you didn't cross which kept the genes for magic use among a select few, the Americas hardly any social boundaries whatsoever. This lead to magic-user blood becoming mixed in with that of the "muggles". The result was a continent filled with people with the potential for magic, even if they did lack the training.

Q. What's the history behind NYUT (New York University of Technology)?

There was originally a much smaller university at an earlier point in the history of New York from which the current NYUT was created, but as it began to flounder at one point, it was bought out in 2014 by a joint effort between some of the largest technological and educational powers at the time to make the leading technology school in the world. With the creation of this school (whose entry exams were insanely difficult, only allowing in the most determined of inventors and scientists) research in the world picked up that much faster. NYUT quickly became the leader in the world in the areas of electronics and genetic engineering.

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