If you wish to contact me, it's quite simple. Just email me at I would request that you name your email appropriately. The following should be decent enough examples, but if you want a better example, just click here:
5DFanArt: (Piece Name, Author Name) ~ if you're submitting fanart, I will not garuntee it will be put up on the site, but I'm a caring and generous person. You should also include a brief description of yourself and your art. I would also suggest including your age, I won't post it if you ask me not to, but if I think your art is really impressive for your age, even if it's not that good for an older age, I may be more likely to include it.
5DFanMail: (Any description you choose to put) ~ Send it here if it's random "thankyou"s, "I love you"s, "Can I be your stalker?"s, and "Will you marry me?"s. Everyone loves a little bit of adulation every know and then, and it might just give me that little extra love I need to keep making the webcomics for all of you.
5DCritMail: (Any description you choose to put) ~ This is for critque of my work. If you have healthy suggestions, complimentary concerns, or inuslts, put them under this title.
5DCommitMail: (Any description) ~ Send the email under this name only if you want to commission me to do work of some kind. A paypal account should be coming eventually, but until then alternative methods of payment will have to be used. I will need information on what you want the piece to be like, payment method you desire, if you want an electronic or hand-made peice (which will make a difference in delivery style, hand-made will cost postage). Also, include whether or not you want the art to be made publically viewable. If you choose yes, a copy of the commission will be put on the artwork page with your name on the picture in the lower-left hand corner so everyone will know you supported the comic artist. Otherwise, the art will remain just seen by you and the special few you show it to.
5DOther: (Any description) ~ Basically, everything not covered above.
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